In the News
Channel News Asia – Ideas vs Pandemic: Innovations Amid COVID-19
In the oddest of places, ideas can sometimes form. Despite the shadow that the pandemic cast on our lives, people in Singapore from different walks
Zao Bao – 不流汗 少伤害 水中运动多益趣
一些水中运动不挑年龄和性别,甚至不谙水性的成人也可以尝试。水中运动教练与学员受访分享几类水中运动如何结合运动、趣味与保健益处,水上安全导师讲解注意事项,以及应对紧急状况的方法。 迈入5月,夏日炎炎,要到户外运动感觉酷热难耐?烈日当空最适宜清凉的水上活动,不必汗流浃背,又能锻炼身体。 Read the full article here: Originally published on Zao Bao on 4 May 2021
Yahoo! News – COVID Career Change: New opportunities in emotional times for fitness trainer
Years from now, the history of the 21st century will be divided into two eras: before COVID-19, and after COVID-19. But as the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the global economy, Singaporeans are not standing still. From adapting to new regulations to finding entirely new trades, they are innovating and finding new ways to make a living. In the second of this short series, Yahoo News Singapore speaks to a veteran fitness instructor who has found new work opportunities by thinking out of the box.
People’s Association Women’s Integration Network – Petals of Strength: A Devoted Champion
As a mother of three, Vikki’s unconditional love for her children will never change. When her family’s life was upturned by the circuit breaker, Vikki
Berita Harian – Tidak duga video senaman dikongsi MOE dan Minds
Pemutus rantaian jangkitan (CB) adalah tempoh mencabar bagi ramai orang terutama sekali golongan berkeperluan khas dan keluarga mereka. Ada di kalangan mereka sukar menyesuaikan diri
Grundy Live Chats – Physical Wellness Series #2: Health and Fitness Through Water-Based Activities
In the 2nd episode of The Physical Wellness Series, we had a chat with 3 guests of various experiences in the Water base Arena from
Capital 958 – MINDS如何帮助有特别需要的成人学员
【MINDS如何帮助有特别需要的成人学员】 【家长自制视频 同其他看护者分享】 阻断措施实施期间,新加坡智障人士福利促进会的培训与就业发展中心的成人学员一般不能到中心上课。 这包括了20岁的Iffa。她的妈妈Vikki就设计了一系列的动作,让女儿学习,还拍摄视频,希望能帮到其他家长。~记者余慧慧 (video: Vikki) Originally published on Capital958 on 5 May 2020